

My love,
My love,
you fill my heart
my soul
with incredible peace, joy, and over pouring
I know we’ve just weathered
our roughest storm yet
but I have come out of it
more sure than ever before
that you are the one
you are my one

even when I was scared
hiding in the corner
and biting your outstretched hand
you didn’t leave
even when I was about to walk out
because I was unsure
and scared
and hurt
you stuck out your hand
but never pushed it into my face

my love,
you have gifted me not only your patience
but your unwavering love and commitment
to us
to me
and for that I will always be
incredibly thankful
that’s why nights like tonight hit me like
a gut punch
because all I want to do is talk and fall asleep
in your arms
but we are still forced to be apart
it hurts because I love you so so much

but I know,
we are working towards being able to
fall asleep in each others arms
and for me to wake up
and see your beautiful face
my lovers face

© AllisonKC07