

One's Sharp Reply
Delivers The Best
It Means!
The Person Can Understands
The Question Perfectly.
It's A Skill
That Comes From
Your Curiosity!
It Means!
Keep Learning
Never Stop
Skills To Grow Further.
By Thinking
It's Enough For My Life.
You Wake Up
Walks Around The Day
Meet People
Shops Your Needs
Fun With Friends
Finding Someone
To Fall In Love,
Thinking About That All Day
Finding Faults
Putting Full Efforts
To Achieve Your Dreams
Working Hard
Looking For Inspirations
Refering Books
Making A Group
Research & To Implement
The Ideas To Spread Across!
Source Of Income
Generates & Find Yourself
A Successful Person.
That's Life
A Story To Understand
The Power Of Curiosity
Failure Or Success
Keep Going
© AgonyAlone