

Reply of Dejected to Kessy Write
Hey dear

Your struck my heart,
with episodes of lightening,
Living me in a state of shard shock,
I felt so high and down.

You told me those words,
Those word that fall and rise kingdoms,
I heard those words,
and my crook knee trembled in fear.

When u said those words,
All the oxygen disseappeard,
My soul begged for you to stay a second longer,
My hand and lips weighed a thousand tons.

Fear was the single enemy I needed to defeat,
My heart threw a war for your sake,
I was almost winning this pitiful state of a man,
Then you walked away, and I lost everything.

Your words, froze my timeline
I wished I had enough courage as you did,
I wish and wish but its time to act,
For I felt your dejected soul calling me still.

These are my words and I hope it gets to you,
I hope my words get to your heart,
These are the words of a one time cawardly loser
Kessy Write, I love you for a thousand years.

In honestly, I was angry you said it first.

“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.”
— James F. Byrnes
@kessywrites, @two20