

A world without hatred
I saw a dream
& in that dream
I saw a lot of people
their hearts filled with lots of love
no feeling of hate towards each other
only love
only love
I tried to stay there
I didn't wanted to wake up
cause I was feeling so peaceful
I wasn't faking a smile
People were not afraid of each other
it was a world without crimes
When I woke up
I thought a lot about it
Is it impossible
to make a world
where there is no hate
Is it really that much hard for people
to love and respect everyone
no matter what their religion, race,
caste, gender, nationality is.
After thinking so much
my heart said to me
No, It's not impossible
to create a world without hatred
Let's give love and respect to everyone
If we can't change the other person
let's promise to change ourselves
if we'll try our best to spread love
we'll able to decrease at least
some amount of hate from the world.
Love yourself, give respect to everyone
Spread happiness.
And remember I love you

© rõõh