

The Love Of a Child
I am a mother...
Of sorts.
Given birth three times...
Yet, have never felt...
The love from my babies...
Had to make a choice...
To make sure they were safe...
Even if it was away...
From me...their Mamma.
When a woman is poor,
The choice is clear.
Make sure your babies...
Will always be fed.
I chose their security...
Over my selfish love for them...
Still in their lives...
As Aunt Bobbie Jo...
Once again.
Three has always been my number.
Had two girls,
One boy.
Loved them as any mother...
Knowing I would never hold them again.
Made a choice to give them a life...
Because I had no life...
No where to live...
None of their fathers would lift...
A helping hand.
So I asked family to step in.
Now, I am Auntie Bobbie Jo...again.
They all turned out amazing!
Now...Auntie Bobbie Jo....
Is Grandma Bobbie ❤️
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