

The Lure for a broken Vessel
I am broken.
But in the way that I am blind to it

So are you blind.
But I see it and hear it.
As you point to my cracks and pieces

when first I saw only your lures.

and I think you saw mine.

yours round and soft

mine hard and square

my fascination to explore the shadows within

your mystification at what made me a mountain in your sky

I reach to touch your peaks
like silk buttons I feared you would hide again and that I would be wrong for desiring this.

you reached to feel what could be used roughly and wrongly but in hope, no a belief that it would only be used for your joyful benefit.

vetted by sweet kisses the mountains and valleys turned over a great earthquake.

And all history was forgotten for a time.

I forgot that I still desire to explore.
And you still want to understand the mountain that I was.

The cave does not comprehend the mountain. nor the mountain the cave.

Would could have thought there was a place inside of me for you. And yet being separate and completely different.

Lo, my love. You are a part of me. As I do not understand your echoes or glimpse the depth of your shadows or how I could ever be a shelter for you.

you laugh at me from safe within
and say

I only see this little part.

You are me.

and you are mine

but only where we touch.

#HappyValentinesDay #ValentinesDay