

I always feared to loose you,
my mind was always in a chaos what to do.

You were a beautiful angel for me,
I wanted to go around with you and spree.

I tried to make you mine,
and I swear my intentions were really devine.

I thought you will like me back,
but after your denial...my heart got a crack.

I felt like dying without you,
so I became possessive 'bout you.

You broke me down severely,
but I will never left you lonely,
Because I have loved you unconditionaly!!

I have became obsessive,
and my feeling for you are excessive.

I will never let anyone touch you,
because you are mine and only mine to go through.

You have to like me back,
Or I will make your life slack.

Yes, I am insatiable to you,
and I want you to love me too!!!

#possessivelove#relationship©sprinklet himu