

Fathers' Fears of Revolution
And you think you’re limitless in your little room

You want to reform the ways of the norm,

You want to change the world, while coffined in your delusions?!

Fly high, but mind the ceiling, your head’s too big for this shack, little one!

So you want to rise to it, you want to conquer it, without the blood, torture and pain?! Without the reoccurring rings of symphonies of inadequacies that plague your very core, the mumblings of ‘I am no one’ and ‘I am nothing’, and the ‘no one cares about me’ jive, you know, the truth!

I know you’re fuelled in the things that you don’t understand! I know!

I know you’re grouped and diced and sliced, I know!

I know you only think when you’re told to, you only speak when ordered to, and only act when you’re allowed to, I know!

Little grand, in your little room, please conform to the norm!

Your notions are outdated, forgotten, and buried,

We’ve been grouped and diced and sliced!

There is no revolution! There is no ‘we’!

There is no ‘you’! There is no ‘I’!

There is only division!

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