

The silver gloom

A silver mirror kept in my room,
showcasing everything in an impartial way.
It lits everything with it's silver gloom,
when it gets hit by the golden sunray,

I see who I'm ment to be,
the boy I really am.
It's the only thing keeping me going,
one day I'll be myself.

A silver mirror kept in my room,
now facing the wall to hide it's silver gloom,.
It no longer spreads the silver gloom,
when light hits it I see nothing,

I can't see who I am,
the girl I was.
it's the only thing keeping me happy,
the people who help.

A silver mirror no longer in my room,
now in a dump rotten in it's silver gloom.
It's the mirror that changed not me,
when light hits it you see the lost hope I had.

© QueerMitten