

The Power Of Words!!!!
The world isn’t always kind!
If you don’t see it then you must be blind!
Most if not all of us just want a little piece of mind!

But often it feels like the blind leading the blind!
That statement puts us all in a bind!
Everyone should want happiness to find!

So many people have nothing but nasty things to say to others but never think about what those people could be going through!
Do they just hate you for being you?
What if those cruel words you say could make someone feel bluer than blue?

How would you feel if people said the same things about you too?
Careful with your sharp tongue and demonstrative words they’re like taboo!
If only those horrid people had any clue!

Your actions or words might cause a terrible reaction that you can’t undo!
Words are like sharp knives they cut deep it’s true!
Think about the other person’s point of view!

Must watch the things you say!
Imagine if that makes someone permanently go away?
They could be gone tomorrow or even today!

What if what you said or did made them decide in this world they could no longer stay?
Does their death make you feel just fine and okay?
Are you that vile that this is the message you wished to convey?

Is this how you choose to live your day?
Feelings are not just some wicked game of yours to play!
Somehow and somewhere there must be another way!

How would you truly feel if you told someone, “Hey just go and kill yourself nobody likes you or wants you here?”
Well apparently they read your message loud and clear!
Were they just a name you wanted to smear?

Your apologies don’t seem so sincere!
Don’t know and can’t tell it’s all so unclear!
What if you were the one to disappear?

What if it’s your fault that a life ended?
Was that really what you had intended?
Oh now you’re the one to blame and you feel offended?

Feeling guilty you couldn’t even have pretended?
Do you finally feel discontented?
What you did you couldn’t have defended!

A life cut short by way of the sound of a gun!
What if that had been your daughter or son?
A beautiful life over and done!

Hopefully flying with angels in the heavenly sun!
Your words caused something that can never be undone!
You everyone may choose to shun!

A horrifying choice you can’t ever outrun!
You didn’t mean for this to happen you were just having your fun!
Sorry to say it this is a battle I don’t think you’ve won!

Beware the monsters they do bite!
You became that monster out of mind, out of sight!
Finally realized you were wrong for what you said you were not right!

Are you going to die of fright?
Pray and hold on tight!
Will you give up or continue to fight?

Wish your words you could go back and rewrite?
A sincere apology are you ready to recite?
Realized now what was wrong and right?

Wish you could take it all back now?
What if it’s too late that fate will not allow?
Are you going to change your ways you vow?

Hurting others you realize is a heartbreaking path of course!
You finally had remorse!
Positivity is powerful force!

Something we should reinforce!
Will you scream until your voice is hoarse?
Nastiness is something not to endorse!

You just didn’t think your words through!
What if that person had been you?
Taking back everything you wish you could do!

© BDawg90