

Here I go again
Well it's happened again my peeps
Pain irritability and a lack of sleep
Recovering from that surgery but hit another snag
Doctors requesting
more procedures
involving my nerves
My actual nerves
not anxiety
Where a quick med could potentially fix
We are talking needles
injected into spaces and parts
Parts I can't see you know the nerves and such
The being put asleep under anesthesia then given some kind of shots
I am trying to think
that this could be fun
but im really thinking
just shoot me with a gun
The goal is to stop the pain that I endure
Hopefully some day there will be a cure
But my friends im getting older but I haven't given up hope
Thankfully I'm still able to cope
So don't worry it does no good at all
I've chosen to stay
positive at this point
On the other hand if I was smart I would probably take a friends advice and light up a joint.

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