

Just paddling through the drops
tryna relive the pale corpse
waves flooding my feet
and the cycle repeats
Comes in my way a starfish
asked if had I any wish
-Oh yeah I do so much miss
can you make us both meet?
Cutting one of its tantacles
And started to paddle.
Had to come across an oyster
She was there with her mister
"how are you doing little girl?!"
-tryna emend the thought keeping on swirl
Taking out a shiny pink pearl
And got lost in the whirl.
Call upon the green mermaid
who was sitting adoring her tail
a radiant face full of glee
she spotted and swam towards me
"Do you want a thing Novella?
Happy to see you hella!"
-Got a tentacle and a pearl
so shiny as your curl
She took it to her hand
seemed as trying to mend
turned it into a pendant
with her vibrant scales as chain
"Keep it as long as you remain
As long as you accept the pain"
too many things are in the square
but only this snatch my eyes
days passed like a cheetah
But memories are still alive.

© novella