

It sucks to be used. Constantly giving and helping. What do you get in return. You get nothing. The feeling of being their for everyone in their time of need feels good. Where are they when you need them. You feel alone, empty and not cared about. You start to question yourself. Wondering if your good enough. People get what they want out of you and make you feel discarded. You give some much until you have nothing left. Feeling as if your not valued. Wondering if you ever meant anything to them. Does my life have meaning? Taking your kindness for weakness. Them always knowing your gonna have their back. Who has my back? Who can I call on? Who can I depend on? It's not a nice feeling to feel like this. People know you when they need you. Why what you do can't be returned? Is it people not wanting to return the favor? Maybe be have Just become so use to you. Always putting everyone else needs before your own despite how you feel. Being their for people emotionally, financially and physically. Theirs a difference between helping and being used. At some point we have to decide when is enough. We never want to hurt others feelings but we don't deserve to be hurt either. We have to take back what's been taken and let them know how you feel. Can't be scared or afraid to let your feelings go. Truth be told no one deserves to get used, mistreated, stepped on, over looked or bypassed. You have a voice so use it. Stand your ground.
© David Rice