

it is a wild ride
there's a million obstacles placed in front of your opticals to make it feel impossible for your goals to be reached I know it's hard living life on these streets cuz your life go round and round while it's stuck on repeat they took control by deleting our population we wasn't made to be ruled by a nation and over time we evolve and learn to leave clues through generations and it all originated from our ancients we have all lost our way through a lack of communication and it worked cuz since we're birthed were cursed with false accusations written on true illustrations we're all sentenced to prison through mental cages and if you stand to the masses they'll call you crazy and put you in the institutions and call us mental cases I believe you've become complacent blinded by all the fury and drama your faced with so stop to take a look at the world with your mind's eye I'm well above or past my time I fly above it all with a bird's eye 20/20 peripheral but I can't lie the more that I look through history the muddy water become clear to me that life is the mystery cuz it's misery lies and conspiracies even God who created everything you can see wanted more so he spoke Lucifer's name into existence from a different chord gave him everything he wanted but he wanted more and in their mind they play tug of war until they became angry and waged war but isn't it truly a war within us all mentally spiritually physically if you win you'll find serenity that's the Trinity when you defeat the enemy so all you have to do is disconnect from the you inside pull the hammer back pull the trigger kill the you inside
so now that you know that between your flesh your spirit & conscience they are three individual parts of you but they are all (YOU) but they all have individual minds now you decide because it could take one single second to find what most go through multiple lifetimes to find "I" so do know that there's no such thing as Future & past I'm proof that's living that the now is all you have and even though they took the time to duplicate time it is nothing but a continuum all it does is blur and shaking up your equilibrium