

it always come around like this.
feeling lonely and rejected like this.

miss furtune has brought all these solitary condition.
it was not cause by the real me.
but my misbehaviors landed me in this situation.

being lonely is a desease to me.
I can't stand and watch this state of affairs.
unnoticed situation like uncared for.
all my days are tedious.
un interesting life of pulseless objects.

marvel in my mind every single minute. no body makes me happy.
nethier to put a smile on my precious face.
fustration got the chance to hinder my dream.

un cared makes my dream to show no reality.tarttered disrupted becoming off hand.
can't take this anymore.

thinking of how to make my days interesting.
moving along with the life styles of people.
copied and noted all my communication. they are so interesting.

it's a big benefit.
achieve from wonderful people.
my dreams manifested.
lovers and family celebrate my joy.

the star 🌟 shouting.
moon 🌒 smiling all over me.
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