

Not good enough even for God.
You said open up ok....
Well see started out posting bible scripture
and that was told to be fake.
Judgcement of other it was said a big mistake. Noone ever been judge.
So all the knowledge no one knew better, my post are too plain anyway.
Faith it started to be battered and it was known just what to do a shunning is really what happened a knowing just tried to run away.
But the farther ran the faster they got and pushed just flat down on the face.
All was done was kept praying but thing just got even worse. Round about that time kicked even harder and couldn't even keep up pace.
So left what was being done and wouldn't post nothing at all, read each post posted without a word but a spy by now so leave this place.
So no more posting bible scriptures find something else to do a change of name a new face and maybe alone they'll leave.
Try to explain what is doing nothing to do to noone else. A crook a spy and a lota other thing you see Job is who it'll be.
Run on a little farther to somewhere maybe there's a hide but it's as bad here maybe even worst lower than that should be.
Post a tiny on love but that was hate didn't see. Deaf,dumb and blind and very unkind there's nowhere else left to be.
And you asked me here.....

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