

Why do I feel so lost
Looks like  my head is filled with frost.
Why has my life become  gross?

Why do I feel so isolated?
My buddies between us, a boundry has  platted ?
I figured out,
Loneliness for me has always waited.

Why do I  mostly loose my focus?
Sometimes my mind blooms like crocus.
Though my thoughts  soon disappear
As if someone has spelled "Hocus-pocus".

Is it because of those who deceived me?
Are they the one ....
Who replaced sadness with my glee?
I was really stupid,
To trust them blindly!

I wonder,is it their favourite game,
To supress me from receiving fame?
I was like  their animal in tame
Now I understand that it was a shame!

I promise to my holy God;
From now on,
I'm leaving the group of frauds.
Their changed attitudes towards me,
Has a wonderful lesson taught;
To never be someone with a heart broad.

From inside I'm torn
Still moving towards the future unknown.
Will never look back as I have sworn
And never again,will get flown....

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