Life Story
The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress
There once was a story that began,
A life full of adventure and plan,
With each passing day, a new page,
A tale of love, loss, and rage.
From the innocence of youth,
To the trials of growing in truth,
Life marched on, not waiting for one,
The story of a life, just begun.
With each page turned, the path was wrought,
A journey filled with battles fought,
The twists and turns, both good and bad,
A life well-lived,...
The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress
There once was a story that began,
A life full of adventure and plan,
With each passing day, a new page,
A tale of love, loss, and rage.
From the innocence of youth,
To the trials of growing in truth,
Life marched on, not waiting for one,
The story of a life, just begun.
With each page turned, the path was wrought,
A journey filled with battles fought,
The twists and turns, both good and bad,
A life well-lived,...