

The Black Hazelnut Tree
Entangled Roots # 18

On a bridge, one glorious April morning,
I felt the presence of energy I prayed to encase.
I fell in love with the first glance
at this lovely lady's face.
I Fell to the ground, overpowered by fate.
Her hazel eyes narrowed against the golden sun under a Black Hazelnut Tree.
As she sat on the hilltop in the bluegrass
Her eyelashes fluttered gracefully,
resembling the long and elegant eyelashes
of a Giraffe
looking over her left shoulder before she laid her eyes on the one that was goggling,
and her chary smirk turned into a fainted laugh,
My heart departed or at most ceased to beat.
She bit her bottom lip with her jaw’s top half
as her rosy lips curved
I believed on my behalf.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth radiating from her,
An energy I had to have.
I wanted to run my fingers through her long, curly, dark barnet.
I just wanted to pull her to me and say,
Hello lovely lady,
we’ve finally reached the summit,
but she was too far for me to reach and grab.
Yet, At that moment, something jolted my heart,
grasping my breath,
forgetting that's Something I had.
There were hundreds of people all around us,
I was only with her on that hilltop where she sat,
yet, in a daydream,
she was with me on this footpath.
Until that moment,
Never, in all my life, had I been alone with someone in my mind like that.
The world had always been with us,
between us, dethroning the connection we both hoped to have,
making love and devotion impossible,
but our love has come along,
At last.

Up until that moment,
All the years of my life,
I had carried the menacing, antagonist-filled world with me everywhere.
No matter what I was doing, saying, or feeling,
the world's eyes had always been there.
My eyes were on the world, which I had learned to distrust almost as soon as
I memorized my name,
Which took longer until
I realized the world's game
that this place would not play fair
No matter where you aimed.
I come to know by heart
the people in between us,
Are just folks who don't care.
This world in which I knew one should never turn his back,
Yet, if one were to hide, where?

Beautiful reader,
For the first time in my life,
I was free from it;
for me, the world no longer existed;
I had been quarreling over this lovely girl.
It was just our love, entirely between us,
it had nothing to do with anyone else
in the underworld.
For the first time in a long time,
I was no longer afraid of the patriotism of the mindless illusions of the unparalleled
becoming dispelled.
By folks who would war against me
and treat the woman I love as though
she were the lowest of the low,
like a Hazelnut Tree’s entangled roots,
she was sent on a full-fledged downward spiral.

For the first time in my life,
I felt that no other force would ever again force me to let go,
and no force would ever again jeopardize my right to possess her love and protect my love in her and her soul.
Love's pure essence
For the first and last time,
I felt that this woman would make the same sacrifice for me.
her eyes would go from hazel to sunfire flame vengeance
if the eyes of the world should ever again degrade her love's presence.
This place tends to see dichotomies and take on a rigid position
that are impediments to those who coexist, with its inhabitants,
which is complex,
rather than black and white or even juxtaposition.
Creating polarization; Division and opposition.
in this martial world’s status
Where a point of open vulnerability is seen as icing on the cake.
that which does not bend becomes
that which is liable to break.
Essentially, you’ll lose what you love if that's what you fear,
then that is exactly what this world will take.
Often, I’m perceived as nostalgic, fickle, and whimsical
by those who seldom see that I will no longer be easily deceived.
I tend to cling
to vital parts of life and relationships that I find necessary,
not the ones I no longer need.
It is possible to fool the world by living foolishly,
A wise man does in the beginning what a fool does before he leaves.
I trust her with my heart and
I feel she won't make a fool of me!
Everyone knows, unconsciously,
when they are being lied to and used
The people of the world place a ton of bullshit on top of me.
constantly lying to me, and using people like you.
There's a remarkable poise and an overall feeling of security
that can only be acquired by adherence to inner honesty.
A fact of life that indicates that this world's
( well, the source of these people of this world)
problems are endogenous rather than exogenous; disturbances of the peace.
No sooner than I stopped lying to myself,
the quicker I was to perceive
that their opinions were not going to stop me.
Those aspects of truth in the world held down its trust
and my trust was held back in me,
This kept my love hidden and that love from being released.
So as I see her sitting on the hilltop on the grass
Under a Black Hazelnut Tree,
I saw everything, and still, All the only one I'd ever need.