

Human Truth
Guess you think you're different like I used to
Do you think you're better than all,
Like I used to think I'm better than some,

You're nothing but the cannibals,
While I'm just like like the modern blood sucker in suit ,
We're both thinking we could fix the heart and listen to the beat,
But we all the same like a dress in different colors and patterns,

You cheated and fed on the weak calling it favor,
While I hunted for the prey in an habitat I choosed for jungle,
The pains and cries of the weak is the rythm we love listening to,
Yet we cry back to the ones calling us superiors with a laugh in our heart,

Cheating is the normal route to success,
While Snitching is the only option left for brothers,
And Gossip is the only way left to express our vocals,
We all know the truth , but we love living in the Lies.

🌈 El'z 🌈
© elz