


My heart aches,
You wait for me to come home,
You didn't today,
You bark recognising the horn,
You were not there today.
Innocent of all the three,
But the most majestic.
Newspaper was delivered at the door step,
But you delivered it in my hand.
You scared away the strangers at the door,
You didn't allow even crows to fly above our territory.
I learnt to luv animals, only after you came home.
You were quiet yesterday,
You didn't talk to me....
Had I known
I would have spent some more time this morning...
All the street dogs were your friends,
They too mourn .....
Your loyalty is beyond description...
Words can't fulfill your absence,
Don't know whether time can.....
Only ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to the one and only Tony.
© @richie