

Long Ago In My Dreams You Came To Me
On a long hard lonely road to discovery,
I was stopped in my tracks,
Oh what a dream she would be,
to have her call me her only and every morning her eyes to see,
believe me, Darlene, what a dream that is going to be, You wait, and watch, and see.

I have prayed for eight months, even more,
I told Him, I would brether die right here and now on this floor,
then to live through even the thought of her scorned,
after many months His answer came back to me and it was for You and me to do justly, hard core.

Then I played out many of my plans to find out if it was for sure God's hands,
with all coming back a positive and I still sought for more.

I saw our love a coming,
one there was no way I could resist,
the Love of Life in her presence,
One I did not, would not, and will not turn down for any other bliss.

I saw You needed something from me,
I had to make my points of how I wanted it to be,
it was difficult to resist what You wanted,
but I did it to make us safe for thee, in abundance.

I returned to my first prayers,
knowing His answer I already had heard,
He said, that I did not have anything to fret against Him about, He was always true and faithful unto the promise of His word,
and I pressed two dozen times over and over and then even some more,
until He finally said, watch this and see miracles happen through what You have believed in Me.

Everything in my heart changed right then for me,
I think it might have been You finally coming to see who I am,
but I said, what can I do especially from me only for her, which will count a lifetime for her to re-see? Serenading her countless days and then asking in the mist, to be my friend, might explain my love unto her at her heart's door.

Of course, I knew, I can think real hard to cause her to love me, but I will not use trickery,
it has to be her free will, for nothing else will do.
Wooing her with a love that just has to be deep set into reality, for her, for real romance, for me, before my Almighty Thee,
so to convince her it is truly me that I am offering, all of me for her life long love's thrills.

Then in my haste to find out how her love might be won over to what I am about,
she looked my way like it was a long awaited birthday and I was what she was wanting to be about,
and I saw God's figure print all over it,
as He told me if I wanted to ask her, to go for it,
for what He brings together will start becoming one, for sure blessings like this is only from above.

Oh, my heart sank and burst forth rejoicing at the same time for the pain and joy that I was about to be living out,
splitting me miles apart, and grounding me into much more,
my boundaries had final been moved past what I had ever known before,
but in respect of all I have been through,
I could not move,
afraid of anything hurting You,
just standing there looking at You giggling as I could not resist to follow suit, or maybe that was how You felt right then, please remind me often so I will never forget.

He came in ways I must leave untold,
helping me to see what would unfold,
showing me He is truly the One in control,
as I humbled down to let You know.
I hope You truly understand,
safety is only truly from His hands.
As the Lord has left me with but one thing to say and I must tell You this everyday, in every way
I Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love You.
© Brother Stephen Scottt