

beyond the myth of love
love's embrace, the myth unfolds,
Where tales of passion are often told.
A dance of hearts, entwined in lore,
Where dreams take flight and spirits soar.

But beneath the surface, truths lie deep,
Moral threads in love's grand sweep.
For love is not just fantasy's flight,
But a beacon guiding us through the night.

In the union of man and woman's embrace,
Exists a bond, a sacred space.
Where trust and kindness intertwine,
Creating a love that's truly divine.

Beyond the myths, beyond the lore,
True love exists forevermore.
It's found in gestures, big and small,
In moments shared, hearts enthrall.

let us hold dear,

The essence of love, crystal clear.
For in its presence, we find our worth,
A testament to the beauty of pure love.

© @David_vs_a_word.