

I wouldn't change the past
Dear Old Self,
If I could tell you what I've learnt so far in my thirteen years of life it'd be one thing. Open up your heart and bring joy to everything.

Time is so annoying.
When you wish it to go fast
it goes slower than slow.
When you wish it to be slow it goes faster than fast.
If I could rewind the things I've done
I would not change a single one.
For I can see if I did I wouldn't be the me you see.
I wouldn't be the girl with mistakes.
I wouldn't be the utter disgrace.
But I don't care because that's who I am. I realise that now.
I won't allow anyone else to interfere
for I am here now.
As I am, accept it.
I've found my confidence.
This world needs a positive change.
A fresh sip of life and love
after covid and all the above.
nothing you could possibly say could ever tear me down.
I can no longer be eaten from inside
your gashing words and pain filled lies no longer blind my eyes.
I am ready to be positive
to stand up for those in need.
if you'd care to join me
I would be most pleased indeed.

This world is losing hope and ruining itself. All I ask is for you to consider helping someone else.🌎
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