

Beyond all that I see
I am aware
how tough its to be YOU
the depth of the pain
& the frightening thoughts
the neverending struggles
& everyday worries
Yet You have surpassed them all
proved to be stronger like never before
Each day, you revived
As if yesterday's no more
Glimpse of hope in your eyes
Made me believe in life evermore
You are indeed a warrior
though in history its never written
but still if someone shall
know the beauty of your inner strength
See you happily singing & dancing
in the rain of neverending worries
with the bliss of joy in your smile
with an unbelievable hope
" everything will be okay "

I am sure of one thing !
the whole world shall
intend to bow before you
Applaud from dusk till dawn
Knowing your success story
Just Coz You left
a signature of inspiration
in every hearts & souls
While they hear
the untold story of your life

© Laya