

Of Life Opus'
We exist as strokes of chalk on a chalk board.
Each life, a masterpiece or doodle beginning in blind strokes.
Steady your strokes with meditation, discipline, and the quest for truth.
Keep in mind, ones chalk board could be erased at any moment.
If one is vigilant and honest in self discovery, the finding of residues of past opus strokes can be traced and realized, equipping valuable lessons and truths.
Do not fear the pain or the reality of ones stick of chalk snapping or whittling down to dust.
For a time will come.
Universal perfection will be reached and the pain that we endure will make the trials of soul worth it when the new heavens merge with the physical realm and all evil be reformed to goodness.
The pains make for a sweeter victory dear brothers and sisters.
Learn to value it and do not waste time in molding one's self to the way of love, for if not in these strokes, one will learn in a harder sense in a future chalk stroke.
Erasure of ones present strokes is impossible, yet one can always stop to carefully plot ones next chalk line.
No matter how small, make the right choices of self and for others and shorten the length of universal suffering, if only by milliseconds.
Exist as not the man who pours oil in the crowded streets, but the one who lays sand over the present spills of oil, to counter the filth layed by the man of malintent.
© Sebastian Grey