

Oh! is it?
Oh! is the sun too bright and pompous that it is just hated sometimes,
oh! is it?
It is.

Oh! is the moon too stained that it is ridiculed sometimes,
Oh! is it?
It is.

Oh! is heaven so overrated
that it is considered non extant
most of the times,
Oh! is it?
It is.

Are people so intrusive
that though their company is highly desired, but they are shooed away sometimes,
Oh! is it?
It is.

So should I be bright and pompous or should I love my stains?
So should I be getting overrated or should I add salt to people's pains?

Then, is love still left for me?
would I still be adored sometimes,
Oh! is it?
- ____ .

© aashvanshi writes