

the old one once again?
I wish to,

Let the Wind breathe through my nostrils and fill my lungs with love.🌬️
Let the Sun shine from my eyes and light my darkened days.🌞
Let the waves wash my soul with grains of sand tickling under my feet.🌊
Let the river flow through my veins to soothen my painful heart and bloom.🏞️
Let the valleys be my escape from reality to a world of solitude.⛰️
Let the estuary help me to reach out my hands to hold my source home.
Let the Earth embrace my lying body with grasses smiling at me.🍃🌿
Let the lake drown my so disturbed mind and cleanse my unclean spirit.🗻
Let the flowers bloom from my nerve ends and spread joy.🌸
Let the Birds chirp from my lips and be my loving voice forever.🐦
Let the trees sing into my ears and bring me spring.🌳
Let the warm breeze hug my agitated self with its caring hands.🍃
Let the nature play its music through my nerves.🎶
Let the nature spread its love through me.🍂
Let the nature bring me back my old happy self.😄
I cry, I roar,I groan, and I wish to smile again, love again and Live again.....🥺
Will I be the old one once again??
© manjupriya