

R.R. Inspiration #1
It's the give and take of life. The organ of the lungs transpire this much needed process to live and it's essence is what keeps us fighting for what we are living for.

It's the pressure of something always on top of you. It's the never being able to reach the top . Yet maybe we were made to be where we are and have it in us to take this load and thrive.

It's like liquid air and just as needed to sustain life. It's a product of its environment as in it's as hot and cold as what surrounds it. It's quite powerful as well given some time and with force it can mold the world around itself. It's a created thing that creates.

The "it's" when combined can be lethal for the air breathinG lungs if they are to go undeR any body of wateR. Yet I am told one can learn to breathe in such a condition;perhaps we can grow gills.
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