

A strong extra-ordinary combination of letters..
A hope of a good change,
A first page of chapter in a book of life,
Gives a pure character....

A name itself - carry out the person.
It defines you - give indentity
It contains everything about you,
Leads you to your destiny.....

Can be a sign of saint,
But can leave a stain of fear and that of agony..
It sustains us..
We try to maintain the meaning and the message it carry....

What's in the name?
A story to be told?
A mystery worth not to be told?
How does your name define you?

A name carry out the pride, identity, dignity and intergrity of a person.
Its a true reflection of faith and truth.

A name given by your own,
A symbol of love, hope, choice and honour.
Its a promise made in the absence of your birth - That shall be proved in the presence of your living days...

A name.. The solid rock of trust,
Endurance of hardships induced by the fundamental truth of your identity..
But at the end - it's your name.
Your first and last chapter in the book of your living days....
It shall stay and remain as an unremovable stain....
What's in the name?

Collection of poetry