

The Me Of Me Is Melted....💫
The me of me is melted,
With the truth of true,
As the wind whistles,
To me through,
Aftermath of painful lies,
is becoming permanent,
Behind my smiles..
I hide my fears,
Behind my laugh..
I feel those tears,
Have a dark secret i cannot tell,
Sometimes I feel it's much more..
Then wizard's spell,
I can be called fake..
and the more I go the more it ache,
Seen beyond dark,
Lived behind bright,
Every Atom of beauty,
Plucked by one in the quiet,
Explanation of fight,
Stealing Even the loudest voice,
Things leavening the scars in mind,
Time bruising the weepings...
of mine with its shine,
Star is about to fall and break,
Soul is screaming..
behind the silence of today,
When thought for a while,
demons doesn't exist..
The shadows of hour..
Throned its crown,
Broke the jewels of peace,
In thousand pieces of mine,
This blank soul,
Having the courage to smile..
It's far true now,
The me of me is melted,
With the truth of true,

© piece to shine