

How to get success?
There are two paths in our life,
One is wrong and one is right.
First path will take you towards your goal,
Another will take you to a deep down hole.

Everyone want only money,
And noone want to eat life's honey.
Many people are just passing their life,
I suggest them to cut their nerve with a sharp knife.

Success doesn't mean to achive a award,
Success mean to keep moving forward.
If you don't want to be a labour,
Then remember you have to be a 'table'.

We all can achive anything,
But many people think that they are nothing,
To be great we don't need to read too much files,
We just need a face with a lovely smile.

Thank you!

1. Meaning of some words:-
2. Life's honey-To live life happily
3. You have to be a table-Strong like table so that you can help many people.

© Anand Dwivedi