


Plank on which present stand
Ladder on which past hold present hand
Goalpost of which creatures intend

Holds reaction of present action
Ambassador of new lesson & presentation
Shadow of it created through imagination
Drop of it become reality , ocean fiction

Hope, when confronted with failure
Balm , through which struggle pain cure
Some , welcomed with stature
Some , descend into present fissure
So, considered necessary evil
Catalyst , without which life comes to standstill .

Humans ,induced with inquisitiveness to know the future
To eliminate fear & anxiety - future nature
Future knower is a suspense stealer
Which acts as excitement ,silent killer
Devoid of exciting sensation ,life become hollow
Boredom of living life would follow

Why future ,source of fear
When you ,itself are the creator
Some believe it's divine creation
No! It's present action manifestation

Use past as a lesson for creativity
Conduct present with responsibility
Future will welcome you with bouquet of stability

Future , successor of moment , present
Predecessor of "will be" dissolved , past