

You know this place like the back of your hand.

yet it feels like foreign land.

not a stranger to pain but you find yourself struggling to endure.
loosing a child rocks you to your core. you relize You will never be the same no more.

Here! but not ! ..there ! but where.? Lost in thought
Stuck in a lethargic zombie like walk.

no one seems to fully understand the speak you talk.
or shared the shoes were you walked.

You reach for help where help once was sought. but it does not fill this .particular spot

You start to forget every fight you ever fought.
wondering have you just wasted your time ? what was the goal was it worth the climb ?

Your stomach turns tied in knots. every few minutes your hit again with the feeling of this tragic loss.

Your unsure of what choices to make. as you try to contemplate the out come of each so you can guide your fate.

overwhelmed your current state ... over filled is your plate.

you second guess past desicions made. you feel left alone no one to hold. no one to understand the complexity of where you stand.

yesturday there ..today here complete opposite side of the sphere to close your eyes and open them to a complete different time and year where once was comfortable happy with cheer now the first time you feel not at home something you cant put your finger on its as if love has left you abandoned

what you wouldn't give to have that one who knew you like a book that one with just a look knows loves and respects every step you took to know your strong and when your truly hurt when you start to doubt your worth

this my 2 cents what im still fighting since my baby girl only 18 went to sit with the lord in heaven and now your son sits with the almighty the only thing I can do is keep fighting for her she would want her Daddy to get up not second guess himself but give her a dad to brag about in heaven thats my Dad thats my Mom shes incredible the pain of loosing them will never leave we must show them we are strong we are unstoppable when we show the love we have for God and announce to the world our faith lucifer will come with a vengeance and we must show our kids and God and most important lucifer that even though he dealt a mighty blow you will not bow to his will but stand up stronger for a son who is watching his mother in the biggest fight she's encountered may God be with us ...warmly
David Barrett
© David Barrett