


We,woman our dreams are still sleeping,
Seeking the wat to uplift our thoughts.

Apart from oru chores,we too have goals,
So,we set our mission:but we can't fulfill.

We,woman who simultaneously succeeding,
Cause,we never let down our courage.

Obstacles are keep coming,
And our courage are keep defending them.

We,woman who use to forget our mission,
And keep prioritizing only our household.

Our goals triggers our mind,
But still we lack in courage.

We,woman who self took our freedom,
And saved us from being a slave.

No Gandhi,no Nehru and no one,
To bring out each and every woman's dream.

We,woman who wish to portray our ideas,
We create;and we dissolve,the ideas we made.

We ourself made our life a dreamy abstraction,
May be we didn't step forward to achieve.

We,woman who search for means to welcome our thoughts,

And not the life,like bringing the means to reach our soul.

Only we spoke when in need:Only we fight when we need justice,

Only we eat when we are hungry:So, still waiting for whom?

We,woman whose life did not pave a way to raise up,
May be we didn't wake up though it do so.

Although we seek ways to reveal our ideas to world,
Our fear let our ideas unrevealed.

The statement woman is a weaker sex,is a libel,
When it comes to moral power,we are superior than men.

We are the one who beat the pangs of labour.
And that means,we can beat whatever pain that comes throughout our goals.

In order to fulfill our household needs and chores,
We don't set our mind to achieve our goals.

So,Let our ideas sleep,
At least,we perfect our daily chores.

Accomplishing household are beared on every woman,
On the other side,fantastically inspiring ideas were kept unrevealed.

Let Chaos out of mind,
And wake up every artist and scientist from our mind.

© Nasiha_gouse
#Poets_pantry #poem #poems #poetrycommunity