

Shackles In Freedom.
The awesome wisdom of a kingdom in bliss!
That lives within our soul ,seeking peace!
And to attain that bliss of peace ,we need,
A fiery resolve and will powered feed.
To bite through the burning desires in eternity,
Promising a smile to unmeasured infinity!
As we crave and cry for our freedom all above,
Freedom from those chains and shackles we love!
Against wishful thoughts oscillating with time,
We wished and wished not as our wishes couldn't define!
And we wondered confused its utility and use,
To be the artist of freedom or to be it's muse!
And as the muse changed hands with the artist!
The densities of our destinies took an awkward twist!
And as all the colours on the canvas dried,
We survived sometimes ,and sometimes died!
In the struggle for freedom of our targeted goal
Our freedom fell in love with the chains on its soul
© Avik Datta Gupta