

Silent Solitude in a Crowded Room.

Despite being in the bustle, isolation welcomes
A hushed symphony of empty space.
Eyes that move like ephemeral shadows
In the midst, isolation grows.

Whispers of laughter, far and close,
But within, there is a quiet that one cannot escape.
Lost amid the swarm of unknown faces.
I am alone, like an unheard melody.

There are echoes of talk and distant hums, but in the heart, there is a silent drumbeat.
Surrounded, but a single tune,
A solo dance under the crowded moon.

A sea of voices and a tidal wave, yet within an isolated cave.
Loneliness might appear as a crowded masquerade, with invisible tears in crowded eyes.

In the multitude, a solitary art, painting aloneness with all hearts.
A social paradox: being alone in a crowded room.

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