

I will live through you

When I leave dont think that I'll not come back to you
I will come back to you, dont u think that I'll ever leave you
This life is a temporary sojourn
I'll come back to you in another form
I will be with you always and ever
I'll never b forgotten ever and forever
Sometimes I'll b there in your sweet dreams
Making your eyes like the stars full of gleam
Sometimes I'll be in the form of your pleasure and pain
My presence in your life is not at all in vain
Sometimes I will fall with your precious tears
I'll be a song that will linger forever in your ears
Sometimes I will reflect through your vibrant smile
I will live within u even if I'll be far from you mile after mile after mile
Down your memory lane, i will walk with you like ur shadow
You will feel me with the morning breeze
You will inhale me with the smell of pine trees
I'll be the companion of your solitude
For oft, when on your couch you lie in vacant or in pensive mood
I will be the part of your imagination
Such beautiful is our relation

(inspired by Landon and Jamie from 'a walk to remember' )

© shaz