

The Puppy's Embrace
Write a poem about a cute puppy adorned by his master

In a world of endless delight and grace,
A little pup with a shiny, joyful face.
Adorned by their master with tender love's lace,
A faithful friend, a warm, snug embrace.

Furry and small, eyes sparkling so bright,
In their arms, a source of sheer delight.
That wagging tail, a dance of sheer glee,
In their enchanting bond, pure harmony.

Wrapped in a cozy, knitted sweater so neat,
Cuddles and kisses, a love that's complete.
Their story, one of devotion and care,
A love story beyond compare, so rare.

With a collar of fine shades and hues,
The pup, a treasure, adorned to amuse.
They roam fields, towns, hand in hand,
A duo of joy, a love story so grand.

A cute, fuzzy companion, they hold so tight,
In their arms, a love shining so bright.
A bond unbreakable, forever to renew,
A pup and their master, a love that grew.
© Crypta_veil