

I had Three Daughters Once

I had three daughters once.
Their first cry brought me ecstasy
There after I wept to keep their smiles warm.
But I was not with them.
I was trying my best to build something.

I was not there to see them take their first steps,
And to hold them when they fell,
Because I was walking miles
And was falling again and again
to build something.

I never heard them call me pa for the first time.
Because my ears were stuffed,
with the ordeals to build something.

I was not there to lend my shoulders ,
for them to weep or my chest for them to sleep.
Because I was busy building something.

I was not there in their childhood.
when they needed me,
Because I was building something for them.

But what was I building?
I cannot remember now.

All they wanted was me,
not the glory and comfort
I wanted them to have…

Now I have forgotten what I have built .
Because my nest is empty now.

Without leaving any foot prints to trace,
They have flown to a world
From where they will never return.

I am left behind.

Now looking at the empty nest
I can't remember what I was building.
All I can remember is that.
I had three daughters..once..