

The Last Message : From Me to You
It wasn't a romantic movie
But it was my story
Still i couldn't play the main role
I liked staring at you from a distance,
Unaware that a day will come when this distance will
increase to an extend where i couldn't see you anymore

Why couldn't i confess?
Was i afraid of being rejected?
or was i unsure that i'll end up losing everything
& thus waited for the perfect moment which actually never came....

And you ended up being an unfinished dream
which i witnessed with open eyes, a broken heart & tears
I might have become a stranger who know your secrets,
but for me you will be that moon which i look,
on every night, no matter the shape or light
but your existence will always mesmerize me

I fell in love at first sight but what if i had taken a second look?
maybe the story would have ended differently then,
as when i thought you were my beginning, i found out you're my end.

(please ignore my mistakes, as making mistakes is my habit)
© Highlighter