


Greatness is not a destination, it is a continuous journey that never ends. It is a lot of small things done well every day in a great way.

Greatness is rarely achieved in the good days, it is achieved through times of adversity and daring challenges that confront you each day and how you overcome them.

Greatness is coming face to face with difficulty, enduring pain, going through struggles and times of uncertainty, to encounter fear but still having the courage to carry on.

Greatness is choosing to fight through even when surrendering looks like the best option, it is going through all that life throws at you without losing sight of your goal.

Greatness is not achieved when the goal is reached but on the path towards the goal.

*Greatness is not something in the distant future, it is right here, it is who you are and it is seen in how you live every day.*

You are great 🤗🤗

© Drstevesnr