

Dragons Of Tealheart
A dragon, matte color wings
It spread.
She springs
Above the ground
And flies away
In search of home and peace.
The black of skin and scales
Reflects the sunshine
The green below,
Like emeralds glow
Her flight light as a kiss.
An island, floating in the air
Among all islands flies
The world of stones and moss
And trees.
But there an everlasting
Curse lies.
Was touched by dragon's feet This island was already.
It's red like fire,
Black like death,
But no matter it's look,
It is a baby yet
And thy befriended him.
Adopted now, the fire is
And Blade from birth
His name.
A fierce look, but a calm sight
A mystery too dim to know.
Alone the child
And mother were.
Blade fled down to the shelter
Which was the old stone arch Below.
His mother followed him.
At first no words
Came out her mouth,
She looked at all
The happy parents
And new adopted children.
They both went in.
And one, an ice queen
But small one came bit near
And peach and teal
Another one.
These: Ice and Phoenix.
But the flame did feel
That feeling that was unknown
To mother of the new three.
They flew towards the island...

But, as all stories, this
Shall be continued.
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(in short, to be continued)

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