

Old Dominion
Hello, all~ I decided to participate in the “Whispers of Nature” poetry writing contest :)

{ #WhisperingNature }

Below, is my entry. Thank you all who take the time to read—I appreciate you 🙏 And to all who enter: good luck ❤️

“Old Dominion”
by Brandi // branypoo

Virginia, sweet Virginia—
land of peaks and valleys green
Lies within: a mountain, Shenandoah
Her image, so serene

Symphonies, you’ll surely hear—
a plethora of birds that sing
The tempting scent of nuts and berries
wafting in the breeze

Autumn in the Commonwealth
truly a sight to behold
Its arrival kisses the leaves on trees
Staining tangerine, crimson, gold

Lakes, rivers, streams, bays
glorious and pristine
Shimmering in the noonday sun
as beautiful as they are nurturing

Sunsets: mosaics of color
across the canvas skies they span
Wispy, delicate brush strokes
made by Mother Nature’s hand

Virginia, sweet Virginia—
a cure for these weary bones
When the Lord may come to collect me,
Old Dominion, lead me Home.

~ 🌺 ~

Some brief background info + a short history lesson, for any history nerds like myself:

• I was born, raised, and currently live—in the state of Virginia, located in the USA. Virginia is the first of the thirteen British colonies (founded: 1607), and the tenth US state (admission year: 1788).

• Virginia is also referred to as a commonwealth—defined as “a political body formed for the common good,” or “common weal.” “Weal” is an Old English word meaning “welfare,” “wellness,” “wealth.”

• During the time of US independence from Britain, the title of “commonwealth” was chosen for Virginia, to emphasize that its land belonged ***to the people*** [its democratic nature].

• Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was known there as “the Virgin Queen.”

• Shenandoah is a vast region of gorgeous mountains + a deep, sweeping valley. I recommend renting a cabin and relaxing up there for a weekend. I’ve done it myself—it is simply amazing. “Shenandoah” is likely derived from the Algonquin “schind-han-do-wi,” meaning “Beautiful Daughter of the Stars.” Algonquin is the language spoken by the Algonquian peoples (Native American tribe/indigenous peoples).

• Old Dominion is one of Virginia’s many nicknames. It is thought that this nickname was given by King Charles II, due to Virginia’s loyalty to the crown—which, of course, later (swiftly) changed.

I hope it’s okay that I added some emojis to the text outside of my poem. I didn’t add any to my poem itself. Hoping I’m submitting this correctly 😓

photo credit:
Select Registry

© branypoo

Inviting @FarhatAfzal @Sierra3219 @Vijay568 to participate if you haven’t done so already. I extend this invitation to all who follow me 🥰
