

A dendrophile
Loving nature
She faked it
Inveigling this
As a lifestyle
Overplaying her hand
A Spiritual playhouse
Such a disguise
One in which
She wished to be lost
Hiding her true self
Of what she might divulge
Hating her affliction
But living through it
Fully knowing
The pandemonium
Of her mind
And the damage
It had done
Life lived like a warlord
In need of control
Do as I say
Not as I do
Freaky Friday
A body swooping
Bipolar bimbo
Anarchic nihilism
My love for her
Nonsensical emotional
Rhetoric targeting
My weakness
As a form of Self-defence
The hidden enemy
Tearing our love asunder
With no thought
For the aftermath
Enforcing her warped
And opinionated
On anyone with ears
Horrendous to watch
Even worst
As a participant
Killing me slowly
With no soft landing
Like walking on Lego bricks
Across a tiled floor
The Pain is evenly distributed
And hard to forget

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

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