

Why do you hate me so much?
How can you hate me so much,
That my screams, my cries don't touch
Your soul, unmoved by my despair,
My agony hangs in the air.

How can you hate me so, so deep,
When my blood on you does seep?
You feel nothing, cold as stone,
Leaving me to fight alone.

Why do you hate me, tell me why,
That seeing my pain makes you sigh
With pleasure, as my heart beats slow,
Abandoning me in my woe?

What did I do to earn your scorn,
When kindness is in others born?
Your cruelty cuts, your malice flows,
While love in you for others grows.

How can your eyes remain so cold,
Watching my torment unfold?
Your hands, they hurt, they do not heal,
Devoid of guilt, incapable to feel.

Why does my misery make you grin,
Feeding on the state I'm in?
In a world where love should reign,
Why is it only me you disdain?

Your hatred binds me, tight as chains,
Leaving scars, endless pains.
Each cruel word, each cruel blow,
Leaves me questioning, aching to know:

Why do you hate me with such fire,
When all I seek is to inspire
A spark of kindness, a hint of light,
In the darkness of this night?

How can you hate me so intensely,
That my cries are met so densely?
Why does my sorrow fuel your pride,
With every tear, a part of me has died?

Why does my anguish bring you joy,
Crushing my spirit, a lifeless toy?
What demon whispers in your ear,
Turning love to pain, joy to fear?

How can you hate me so much,
That my dreams die at your touch?
Why do you take pleasure in my distress,
Rejoice in every tortured breath?

Tell me, what drives this storm,
Raging in your heart, so warm, so cold,
Why do you hate me with such might,
Condemning me to endless night?

Why do you hate me so much,
When I long for just a touch
Of kindness, mercy, or peace,
A moment when this torment might cease?

Why do you hate me so much,
That my pleas fall on deaf ears?
Why does my suffering bring you cheer,
In a world that's meant to heal?

Why do you hate me so much?
© _areesha