

The videos of positivity

While I like the narrative (in the video ) that purports positivity - it’s so easy to forget the assumptions of what is behind the eight ball . True we are but pictures on the wall which would disintegrate sooner or later - but the question is not of memories of past or future but what of today - if I have no shelter , no religion , no family to support me while we are all are alive then what am I pre-positing .

Death is inevitable- that is not our worry - but at least give me peace to negate the machinations of weird expectation of life as ruled by the powers of materialism- we are now pseudo intellectuals with so much Information at hand but I can’t buy the time that is only reflective - we all can do it in an instance with the help of videos (mixed with images and soothing music $ - but does it transpire in reality- I want to live for today so I may have resources to pay my debt - and if I can or rather ask some one can who help - I too would be singing in the rain just like the poet sans merci!!