

I wear a mask to hide
I wear a mask to show I could be happy
I wear a mask to fake it till I make it
I hide my true identity of my feelings and emotions.
It doesn't mean that I'm really happy for under my mask reveals my true self.
I fake a smile of happy joy, when really I hurt inside from all the pain I have faced in my life I live.
behind the mask I'm very sad full of rage of resentment a past mistakes. I know I shouldn't let the past effect me... and I feel like I need to move on. It's the fact how people say that sicks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me; but what they don't mention to say that words are powerful...and they can stick with you for life... like the other saying that I'm rubber, and you're glue, whatever you say will bounce off me and sticks to you. That line can be a combat for an insult. Like I know you are but, what am I?
But that doesn't justify the fact that words can effect you in the long run...that's why the golden rule exist where they say you...