

Stroke Of Genius?
No, not quite
Empty my brain, please.
Since my stroke a few years
back it has been filling up
with information that I consider
mostly useless and shit I don't
really want to know. Not from
books, or any other means. And here I
am, beached by the ocean, full of
crap and gaining weight in my
brain, which throws off my eating disorders big time. I'm done learning
ya hear me? Am I a recipient of telepathy? Well for fucks sake let
the Mother Ship come and take me
already. But my brain bleed gave me
so much. I can do stand-up now
and bring the house down no
problem. Writing comes from some unknown crevice in there and I feel like I have never felt before. And I'm here to enjoy my new being. How bout that? And my soul sister saved my life. Maybe I am a genius. But please no more info. My head will fall off. And then I will only be good for the circus. I hate tents.