

The Spiritual Journey
Some said waste of time,
Some said it's madness... what a game,
Some said compulsions are true essence of life,
Some said career should be given priority after all,
Some said it's a future thing...
Some said family should be given priority,
Some said you should take permission from all...
Many storms came,
Tried to stop her journey,
Creating obstacles of stress, failure, sadness, breakups...

But her spiritual journey didn't stop,
Because Sadhguru was her Helmsman...
Who knows how to run the boat called human life through every storm.

The paper boat made new land marks,
Didn't fail to show her a direction that goes inward...
Where there is light laughter and joy,
By discovering which,
She rediscovered the world,
And being one with everything in Yoga,
Created new opportunities for others,
To live, love and feel protected and connected naturally with everything and everyone,
As if the world is a big family... !!!
Because she felt it's her responsibility too,
to bring light into hearts,
that are broken like once her was...
And only God's name is not enough...
A little hardwork like,
Taking action towards a better lifestyle is important...!
Yogic practices that has been gift of India,
My country to world...
If can save everyone,
Then why not spread the awareness...!!

Whether it's mental illness,
Or work stress,
Or a break up or
health of an older family member,
Whether it's about immunity like at the Corona time
Or about attracting fortune of any kind...
Yoga can heal and rejuvenate the life force within...
That creates thousand cells,
Like heals the body when there a cut in our finger tip....
The body has all the necessary capabilities
to revive from within,
If we give it appropriate atmosphere,
Like a plant revives after winter,
When summer arrives...
Little steps can make huge changes,
Unexpectedly making life beautiful!

Give it a try for 30 days,
It's free if you look for in YouTube,
As Upayoga made with love and care
from Isha volunteers,
Guided by Guruji from behind!

It was never this easy pissy,
Because Internet was not accessible few years back,
It's like Yoga is all the time in access,
Just a button away...
Learn and teach for free,
And become healthy,
Mentally and physically,
We need each of us,
To build a beautiful nation and
In turn a beautiful world!!!

Go for Upayoga,
Search for Nadi Sudhi and Yoga Namaskar,
You will get all the guidelines necessary,
To start a new day with a new tune ☺️ 🙏🏻


© Yogastha_Kurukarmani